John Dewey
- The student will be who experiments and discovers the world in a autonomous form, the teacher will be the guide.
- The education is a process of life and not a preparation for a posterior life.
- Dewey had in his mind the image of a school that had an origin of some type of constructive activities and with nature too, it means that the student acquires the knowledge and learns in his environment.
Johann Friedrich Herbart
- J. F. Herbart contributed with some ways in psicology but his major contribution was the interest in learning.
- Herbart said that the interest is the objective of learning for the pupil.
- He developed the theory of "expantion multilateral of interest"
- He said that apart from the instruction, the education is based on the goverment and discipline.
Alfred Binet
- Creator of the intelligence medidor tests.
- The tests that are based in a graduated scale.
- He studied the child and adults memories with learning difficulties.
- He showed intrest for the theory of asosation and conduct of the microorganisms, there for the mircoorganisms afect the brain and the learning.
Emile Durkheim
- Emile Durkheim was a Sociologist, pedagogue and a anthropologist.
- The pourpest of Durkheim was to adapt the child to a social environment.
- He afirmed that education es a set of practices.
William Thierry Pleyer
- He was the founder of infantile scientific psychology.
- Pioneer in the development of human investigation.
- Pleyer observed his child to see the learning development in a clear and simple language.
Wilhelm August Lay
- He was the co-founder of the experimental pedagogy.
- He did methods to improve the escolar practice and teachers formation.
- The ortography experiments were the first in creating a didactic.
Edouard Claparède
- He was a neurologist, pedagogue and psychologist infantile.
- He was one of the few representant of the psychology in the pedagogy.
- He created the "J.J. Rousseau Institute" with Bocet.
- It was developing psychologist studies and formed teachers based on that.
Alfred Adler
- He founded the school of individual psychology.
- Transmited the pedagogy for the education of the childs.
- He was a colabarator of Sigmund Freud.
- Gave more importance to the study of people in a individual form.
Stanley Hall
- He was an awesome orador of the new science.
- Looks for people with talent who are capable to handle this profession.
- Hall didn't have descendence he had heirs.
- Some people who have been influenced by him, consider him as a master.
Paulo Freire
- The reflexion from the part of the oppression to realize that pedagogy has to be more humanistic.
- He said that education could be more liberalistic with the dialog that could exist between the student and teacher.
- Also that the teachers could learn from the students.
- Foment the freedom of expression in the classroom.
William James
- The importance that the teaching and learning have to improve the education with the purpose to expand his mind.
- He mentions that education es life and the school is the society.
- The emotion theory is the prosses of psychology answers to stimulus.
- Defines the behavior like the adoptation to the habitat
Friedrich Froebel
- The education should be based in the human evolution of the activities in the classroom.
- The objective of teaching is always to atract more than just one men.
- The child doesn't have to begin in any new matter until he's mature for it.
- The real development comes from the escolar activities.
Ovide Decroly
- He was a Pedagogue, Psychologist and teacher thanks to his father.
- He founded two houses for children, one in 1901 and other in 1907.
- In 1920 he was a teacher in Bruzelas.
- Consider that the most important thing for teaching a child is the motivation.
Jean Piaget
- Piaget created his theory like the phase of development theory.
- The intelligence is the adaptation for exellency.
- For Piaget educate is adapt the individual to the social environment.
- He is also a defender of the new education and the active school.
Ellen Key
- Advocates for the educational development of the children based on their personality and society.
- Reconizes the scope of freedom to learn.
- Incorporates Parents in the educational work.
- Involves the state in teaching by creating mixed schools and suppressing the punishment.
Lev Vigotsky
- The theory of Vigotsky is based on the sociocultural of each individual.
- He considerd that learning is the fundamental mechanism of development.
- Introduced the concept of (ZPD-Zone of Proximal Development) that is the distance between the real level of development and the level of potencial development.
- His contribution to education is that the social interaction transforms into the motor of development.
Maria Montessori
- Her method was to give the child freedom with responsibility.
- The child has his own internal guide to increase his development like a natural process.
- Every child well educated continues to learn by themselves.
- Her investigation develops because the dissability of the children.
Hugo Gaudig
- Gaudig was a pedagogue of personality.
- The schoolis not just a teaching place, it's also a center of life.
- The education must relate with the social and cultural.
- The education must be at service for the formation of the personality.
Berihold Otto
- He emerged as a pedagogue after years of practice like a father of 4 children, master and school director.
- He represents the german naturalist pedagogy.
- He holds two escential ideas: the global learning and the education in childish language.
- He said that child language must be studied according to the age.
Sigmund Freud
- The adaptation is related to the hereditary aspect.
- The experience could afect the normal development.
- Actions and functions are the combination of internal an external factors.
- His main theory was the psychoanalysis.
James Mark Baldwin
- He was one of the best psychologist in America and pioneer of the scientific psychology.
- He contributed with the great ideas of Darwin to psychology.
- Made a colaboration with child psychology and social psychology.
- We can't change the conscience of a men for a child.
Emilio Mira y Lopez
- Mira y Lopez was a great representative of psychology.
- He modernize the education. He created the movement of Pedagogy Renovation.
- His job was visible in the educational field.
The End
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